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The cultivation of soybeans became strategic in the world to alleviate the hunger of the population and improve the protein and nutritional level of children and adults, in addition to fulfilling nutraceutical functions with health benefits.
Agro Negocios del Sur – The cultivation of soybeans became strategic in the world to alleviate the hunger of the population and improve the protein and nutritional level of children and adults, in addition to fulfilling nutraceutical functions with health benefits.
This was the central theme developed at the IX International Soy Conference (IX WSRC) in Durban, South Africa, from February 17 to 22, 2013, and was attended by Dr. Cuniberti from the Inta’s Industrial Quality Lab for Cereals and Oilseeds. (National Institute of Agricultural Technology) of Marcos Juárez.
There are 925 million hungry people in the world. The need for protein to solve this problem continues to grow and soy can help fill this gap for the world’s malnourished. There are two types of malnutrition: the first and most important is protein-energy or lack of enough protein and the second is micronutrient, better known as vitamin and mineral deficiency. Soy is a complete protein necessary for the various functions of the body, including development and growth. The incorporation into the diet through recipes adapted to each region and customs, provides nutritional support for malnutrition and chronic diseases.
In India Dr. Sink developed many soy-based products. He prepared 45 types of cookies, with 20% being the best proportion without affecting the flavor. We have carried out similar studies in the Quality Lab years ago with the same results. He also mentioned that a mixture of 200g of rice and 50g of soy increases the protein requirement by 100% and is the cheapest way to get protein, since meat and milk are very expensive. In India all schools give lunch with meals made from soybeans and carbohydrates.
In the USA for human consumption they allocate a single variety of soybeans, specific for this use since it has a better, smoother flavor. In China they prefer a strong bean flavor, semi-rich, while in Europe they prefer a mild flavor, the same as in America. The taste is a genetic factor, the Loxactivity gives the flavor and is related to the content of oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. The higher the content of these acids, a stronger flavor is to be expected. By industrial methods, the seedy flavor could be removed by removing the aromatic components.
Engineer Kocinbinki, from Inta, presented a work using a native lactic acid bacterium with probiotic attributes. It is extracted from animals and can be used in yoghurts and fermented products, giving defense to the body.
Nutrition and productivity were aspects that stood out a lot at the event and the Minister of Agriculture Jaguar expressed the will of the Argentine government to collaborate with developing countries with availability of land for agriculture, transferring knowledge and technology to increase grain production, especially soy.
The advances in genetic improvement to achieve drought tolerant varieties and that it should be possible to predict climate changes to adapt to them were also mentioned.
Regarding the quality of the oils, about 50% of soybean oil is hydrogenated and produces trans oil, undesirable for health, so the composition of fatty acids must be improved through genetics. The reduction in the composition of polyunsaturated fatty acids improves the performance in frying and gives better flavor. This is an aspect that is being investigated consumer welfare.
80% of the world’s soy is genetically modified, the same as corn. One should understand the lack of water on the planet, increase the efficiency of water use rather than think about increasing yields. Soy leaves more residual water than corn, improves the physical properties of the soil and leaves additional nitrogen with a contribution of 41 kg / ha to the soil according to studies carried out in South Africa (SA).
In SA, the rotation with corn increased the soybean yield by 624 kg / ha. In corn, the soybean rotation increased the yield by 12% in relation to the corn monoculture. Agriculture is an important part of the economy and they need it to be inclusive. The growth sectors of a country are manufacturing and the agricultural sector. In developed countries, capital goes to the rural sector, in underdeveloped countries it is the opposite. Agriculture can help develop areas and food chains. In SA they have an abundance of low-skill workers. They must develop productivity and mechanization, with appropriate technologies for small farmers.
Regarding the isoflavonoids present in soybeans, it was said that they can prevent cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, symptoms of menopause, etc. Soybeans contain up to 0.8 mg / g.
It was also mentioned that Charcoal Root, carbon or bacteria that causes plant rot, is causing losses of more than 30% in the USA, between 35º north latitude and 35º south latitude, with soil temperatures between 28º and 35º C and low humidity of the same. In Argentina it began to be seen in the north and center-north of the country. Moderately resistant lines have been identified. The attacked crop produces fewer and smaller grains.
The use of soy products as fish feed is one of the fastest growing food industries (aquaculture) in the world, bred in captivity. It is a large industry in Asia (China, Thailand, Japan and Indonesia), Venice is also important in Latin America, it is growing in Colombia, Brazil, Chile, all mechanized, developed in estuaries and rivers, and it is beginning to develop in Argentina . Salmon is produced in Norway, Chile, USA and Canada with mechanized and satellite systems. More than 340 species are cultivated including algae, shellfish, fish, etc. Soy flour is used from 5% to 40% depending on the species. Soybean oil also 50 to 75%. If it is expensive, it is replaced by palm oil. Lecithin from 0.5 to 2%. Soy concentrates are widely used for salmon. It is used to lower the fat content in fatty fish. For meaty fish they use meat meal and corn gluten.
Soy is considered the basis of the 21st century platform, with the USA, Brazil and Argentina as the main producers. In the world, 7% is used for food. China, Japan and Indonesia are the highest consumers of soy milk, tofu, fermented products, miso, natto, edamame, yuba, tempeh, textured soy meat, juices and milk in many cases for lactose intolerant.
In Asia, the soy milk market is increasing by 10% per year. In China, 90% of what they consume is made in family homes. The consumption of soy products is increasing because it is cheaper than meat as a protein source. In the USA there are 500 products that are commercialized based on soy, fortified, enriched with omega 3, nutraceuticals, etc.
Dr. Cuniberti brought a lot of bibliography including a book entitled “Healthy Cooking with Soy”, that is to say “Healthy Cooking based on Soy” from the Vaal University of Technology, Ventre of Sustainable Livelihoods, which contains didactic aspects about the function of soy in health and numerous practical recipes. Also several CDs in Spanish “Tu Creces qué Sabés” by Dr. Owens in whose content, through photos and film, children are taught the functions of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc. in the body and the importance of soy in the contribution of these components to the body. Also a USB of the IX WSRC that contains the plenary lectures, oral papers and desserts presented at the Conference, as well as brochures and CDs on other topics that he contributed to the Soy Genetic Improvement Area to share among researchers of genetic improvement, pathology and biotechnology.

China, being a quarter of the world meat market, will maintain relations with the USA, Mercosur and Oceania.
Agro Negocios del Sur participated in the business rounds called Agri-food chains of Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and Panama.
The harvest is slow, but the goal is still set at 50 million tons.
2020/21 soybean production with some positive signs.